
Download eagleget
Download eagleget

The list of downloads can be arranged according to type, name, download status or size, in addition to the ability to clean the list of downloads such as removing downloaded programs or failed downloads. EagleGet will catch download automatically from the web browser, another option is to copy the download link directly by clicking on the (+) button and paste the link there.Ĭurrent downloads appear as a list in the interface and can be paused and restored at another time and canceled.

download eagleget

Well, the interface is pretty simple and straightforward. In our quest for an alternative to IDM, we stumbled upon EagleGet, and it was a happy discovery! The features of EagleGet and its elegant GUI made it easy for us to decide which download manager we will be using around the office! So yes, EagleGet is our favorite DM now.

Download eagleget